Early Childhood Professionals
Educational resources and professional development impact quality of early childhood experiences.
Educational resources and professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals in Fairfax County.
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Coming Soon.
Online Resources for Professional Development
Disclaimer: This web page contains links to one or more web pages that are outside the FCPS network. FCPS does not control the content or relevancy of these pages.
- Conscious Discipline
- Council for Professional Recognition
- Early Childhood Investigations Webinars
- Fairfax County Institute for Early Learning
- HiMama
- Mind in the Making - Main Points
- Mind in the Making - Prescriptions for Learning
- Mind in the Making - Tips and Activities to use with children
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning
- Northern Virginia Community College Early Childhood Education
- Parent Resource Center
- Project Pathfinders Scholarship
- Smart Beginnings
- Supporting Executive Function Skills
- Virginia Department of Social Services Child Care Provider Resources